Toddler pets a somali black headed sheep in farmyard area

Sign Language Boards

What is British Sign Language?

In the UK, British Sign Language (BSL) is the most commonly used form of sign communication. It involves using a combination of hand movements, shapes and facial expressions to communicate. BSL is the language used by the Deaf community in the UK, and for many is their first language. 

BSL was officialy recognised as a minority language in 2003 by the UK government, which had led to an increased public awareness of communication needs for people who are Deaf. 

Why are BSL Signs Important?

Accessible sign language in public spaces is vitally important. Deaf people may encounter various challenges when navigating public spaces. These can arise from having reduced access to public information which is commonly provided via audio announcements or verbal talks. 

Having signs which showcase BSL phrases, as well as video tutorials showing how to complete these signs, allow everyone at the Park to learn BSL phrases related to their visit and communicate using sign language.

This helps improve the inclusivity and diversity of communication means across the Park - helping make a day out at Woburn Safari Park more accessible to all.

Download our BSL Boards


How to use BSL boards across the Park

We are installing signs across the park with a symbol representing each of the main resident species.  Look out for these across the Road Safari and Foot Safari.  

Spot the BSL boards showing phrases relating to animals, places and objects across the Foot Safari.

You can even scan the QR code on each sign to watch a video of the movements in action!

On your day around the Park, use the new BSL phrases you have learnt to communicate with others. 


Learn To Sign On Safari With Keeper Hannah